Gippsland Times May 1913
Letter to the Editor


(To the editor of the Gippsland Times")
Sir. As a very old member of the Church of England. I wish you would kindly allow me to say a few words to rectify an error into which the Church authorities have fallen. In a recent copy of the Times I noticed the following: The old Church was built in 1856. It certainly was not.  I arrived in Sale on the 31st day of December of 56, and no church then  existed. Moreover, my husband. Stephen Morris was the sawyer who cut the timber for it in 57.  I was in the service of the Rv. Mr. Simmone, the first Church of England minister of Sale. After living there eight months I went to church in one of the houses adjoining the Willow Cottage (destroyed by fire some years ago. As the records are lost I was thinking there few facts might interest the Church authorities. I tender this as my only excuse for interfering. Yours,. etc. ISABELLA MORRIS.

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and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, as well as Elders from other country who live on this Land.

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